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Hunter ST-1600 Getrieberegner-Service
Wenn der Hunter ST-1600 Getrieberegner aus der Verpackung genommen wird, kann er in 80 Sekunden bei 90 PSI (6,2 bar; 620 kPa) eine komplette 180-Grad
HUNTER EZ DECODER SYSTEM: How to Configure EZ Decoders for HCC and ICC2 Controllers
To program an EZ-1 decoder, start by installing the EZDM into any station output slot within an ICC2 or HCC chassis (with the power off). Once installed
Das EZ Decodersystem von Hunter
Das EZ Decodersystem von Hunter revolutioniert die herkömmliche 2-Leiter-Decodertechnologie – zu einem Bruchteil der Kosten! Das innovative EZ
Eco Logic: Quick Check Mode
This Eco Logic Controller Quick Tip covers how to enter and run a diagnostic Quick Check on the controller.
Eco-Logic Programming
In this video, learn how to create a watering schedule for your Hunter Eco-Logic irrigation controller and how to use features such as seasonal
Eco Logic: Normal and Limited Program Mode
This Eco Logic Controller Quick Tip covers how to program Normal and Limited Program Mode
Eco Logic: Delay Between Stations
This Eco Logic Controller Quick Tip covers how to set a Delay Between Stations.
Eco Logic: Manually Run Program
This Eco Logic Controller Quick Tip covers how to manually run a program.
Eco Logic: Manually Run Single Station
This Eco Logic Controller Quick Tip covers how to Manually Run a Single Station.
Eco Logic: Sensor Bypass
This Eco Logic Controller Quick Tip covers the Sensor Bypass function on the controller.
Eco Logic Programmable Off Mode
This Eco Logic Controller Quick Tip covers how to set a 1-7 day off function on your controller. This is helpful if you know you will have a few days of
Eco Logic: System Off
This Eco Logic Controller Quick Tip covers how to turn your controller Off.
Eco Logic: Seasonal Adjustment
This Eco Logic Controller Quick Tip covers how to set up the Seasonal Adjustment function on your controller.
Eco Logic: Program B
This Eco Logic Controller Quick Tip covers how to program the controller's 3 required ingredients for Program B. It covers setting up Program B's Run
Eco Logic: Days To Water
This Eco Logic Controller Quick Tip covers how to set up the Days to Water.
Eco Logic: Run Times
This Eco Logic Controller Quick Tip covers how to program Run Times.
Eco Logic: Start Times for program A
This Eco Logic Controller Quick Tip covers how to program the Start Time for program A
Eco Logic: Basic Irrigation Terminology
This Eco Logic Controller Quick Tip covers basic terminology related to setting up an irrigation controller.
Eco Logic: Date and Time
This Eco Logic Controller Quick Tip covers how to program the the Date and Time of your controller.
Eco Logic: Button Functions
This Eco Logic Controller Quick Tip covers the buttons and their functions that are used when programming your controller..