Application Hydrawise : transfert de propriété, vertical
Application Hydrawise : demande de transfert de propriété - Les utilisateurs peuvent désormais demander le transfert de propriété d'un programmateur en
Application Hydrawise : visualisation des programmateurs hors ligne, vertical
Application Hydrawise : affichage des programmateurs déconnectés – Regardez cette vidéo pour comprendre comment faire afficher la liste de vos
Application Hydrawise : transfert de propriété
Application Hydrawise : demande de transfert de propriété - Les utilisateurs peuvent désormais demander le transfert de propriété d'un programmateur en
Application Hydrawise : affichage des programmateurs déconnectés
Application Hydrawise : affichage des programmateurs déconnectés – Regardez cette vidéo pour comprendre comment faire afficher la liste de vos
Présentation de la nouvelle application Hydrawise, 2024
Rencontrez la dream team Hydrawise et découvrez tout ce qu'il y a à savoir sur la nouvelle application Hydrawise ! Ce webinaire couvre tout ce que vous
Hydrawise: How to add a customer to a contractor account
In this video, we are going to show you how to add a customer to your Hydrawise contractor account. You will need your customer’s email address to get
Comparatif des programmateurs d'arrosage Wi-Fi avec Hydrawise
The future of irrigation controllers is now, and it’s true there are many options to choose from. When comparing those options, the differences between
Guide produit Pro-HC
Grâce au logiciel de type cloud Hydrawise, gérez votre programmateur d'arrosage d'extérieur à partir de votre smartphone, de votre tablette ou de votre
The Hydrawise Contractor Portal
An overview of the features for contractors found in the Hydrawise software that can be like adding a new technician to your business.
Hydrawise: How to Register Your Account
Discover how to set up your Hydrawise contractor account, so you can start monitoring your customer’s irrigation controllers.
Hydrawise: Using the Wizard to Configure your Controller
How to configure your Hydrawise enabled irrigation controller.
Hydrawise: The Differences between Time-Based Watering and Smart Watering
Learn the differences between time-based watering and smart watering when setting up your Hydrawise enabled irrigation controller.
Hydrawise: How to Generate a Job Sheet
Learn how to use the Hydrawise irrigation software to generate job sheets, so you can assign work to your employees, and take care of issues with your
Pro-HC Wi-Fi Irrigation Controller Product Guide, IA Show
With all the features of the regular HC controller but with added durability and contractor friendly features, the Pro-HC controller is THE most durable
Hydrawise Top 10 Features for Contractors
Hunter Industries offers the HC Wi-Fi controller utilizing our Hydrawise™ web-based software - a system that provides access to your irrigation
Soil-Clik: Wiring Specific Controllers
Learn to wire your Soil-Clik moisture sensor with Hunter's Pro-C, X-Core, I-Core, and ACC irrigation controllers. Soil-Clik can also be installed on non
How to configure an ACC Ethernet connection (ACC-COM-LAN) on Hunter ACC Irrigation Controller
ACC-COM-LAN installs in the Hunter ACC controller, and allows it to communicate with IMMS central control software via an Ethernet network connection
ACC Basic Programming: Startup
In this video you will learn the basic steps to program an ACC controller. How to set the date and time, programming overlap options, and setting start
Learn the most common Wi-Fi solutions when setting up a Hydrawise Wi-Fi irrigation controller from Hunter Industries. Manage your irrigation controller
ACC Basic Installation of Wall Mount and Pedestals
This segment will show you how to mount an ACC in both wall and pedestal mount configurations. Learn where to locate your ACC commercial controller
ACC Advanced Programming: Solar Sync Setup
This video will show you how to properly set up and install a Solar Sync weather sensor with the ACC commercial irrigation controller.
ACC Advanced Programming: Flow Sensor Setup
This videos covers everything you need to know before setting up a flow sensor in conjunction with an ACC irrigation controller. Reasons to install a
ACC Advanced Programming: Extended Features, Part 3
In this video we will cover even more extended features of the ACC controller including how to access the data history, flow totals, and alarm logs.
ACC Advanced Programming: Extended Features, Part 2
This video will cover additional features of the ACC irrigation controller including system off dial position, programmable days off mode, easy retrieve