Hydrawise App - What's New

The updated app includes many new features and technologies to provide homeowners and contractors with more information about their irrigation systems. The new look and feel provide a similar experience to other Apps on your Apple or Android device. The familiar interface, buttons, swipe, and operation will help our customers understand their irrigation.

A summary of what’s new in the App.

New FeaturesDescription 
  • 20+ new notifications
Your Zones
  • 30+ new icons and watering descriptions to help understand your watering.
  • Improved Zone cards show more information.
    • Zone suspension information
    • Why it did or didn’t water
    • Watering duration
    • Flow (with flow meter)
    • Electrical Current
Forecasts & Observations
  • 20 new icons and descriptions for weather forecast and history
  • Today & 6-day forecast
  • 7 days of weather history 
Zone IconsThe zone icons are now larger and will appear in a square format. The zone number will appear on the images. 

The remote feature was replaced by the new Actions button. Learn More 

If this section, you have the ability to do the following: 

  • Contact your contractor (only appears if you are managed by a contractor)
  • Turn the controller off (turns off all scheduled irrigation)
  • Start Zones
  • Start programs
  • Zone Tester
  • Suspend Zones
P/MV SettingThe Pump/Master Valve setting is now set ON as a default. Learn More 
Controller Issues ReportThe View Controller Issues tab allows you to view all controllers in your Hydrawise account that appear offline and not connected to the internet. Learn More 


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