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Valve Installation: Proper use of Fittings and Wire Splices
This video shows you the steps needed to prepare and install Hunter valves. You will learn how to prepare fittings and how to splice wires.
Consertando uma Válvula Hunter que não esta Abrindo - Dica
One of the most common reasons for a valve not to open when the controller sends low voltage electricity to the valve is because the exhaust port might
Válvulas de Irrigação Hunter: Projetadas para Durar
The Hunter family of irrigation valves offers durable, reliable performance and is engineered to stand the test of time, no matter the conditions
Limpando o Diafragma em uma Válvula Hunter - Dicas
One of the most common reasons for a valve to keep running continuously is the accumulation of debris in the diaphragm, which prevents the valve from
Operação de Válvulas Hunter
This video will teach you the components and operation of an Hunter irrigation valve. You will learn how to manually open and close your Hunter valve
Válvulas Hunter: Ajuste de Controle de Vazão
Learn how to adjust water flow directly at the valve using the Flow Control adjustment feature. You can increase or decrease the flow of water for