Meet the Hydrawise dream team and learn all about the new Hydrawise app! This webinar was covers everything you need to know and gives great insights
Hunter FS 3000 and FS 1000 Webinar
Field servers for BACnet, Modbus, RESTful API, and over 120 other protocols for use with SCADA, Smart City, and BMS integrations. The Hunter FS-3000
Open The Flood Gates : A Deep Dive Into Control Valves
00:00 - Introductions 02:25 – Valve Product Offering 10:00 – Parts and Components of Vales 16:18 – How Valves Work 29:12 – Valve Troubleshooting 39:11 –
Responsible Irrigation Practices to Support a Sustainable Landscape
00:00 - Introduction 03:57 - Role of Water in Sustainable Landscapes 13:33 – How to Supprt Sustainable Landscape Practices Through Irrigation Design
EZ Decoder System: The Simple Two-wire Solution
00:00 – Introduction to The Webinar 02:59 – The Why 04:58 – Conventional Wiring vs. Two-Wire Systems 13:16 – EZ Decoder System Overview 19:45 – Decoder
Rotors Explained – Rotors for Every Irrigation Application
00:00 – Intro 00:23 – Presenter Introductions 02:01 – Hunter/Rotor History 02:44 – Residential System Overview 03:10 – How Do Rotors Work 04:04 –
Proper Wire Connections The Most Underrated Player on The Team
00:00 – Webinar Intro 02:28 – The Why 05:11 – Three Pillars/Rules of a Good Connection 08:02 – Lighting Compliance Requirements 09:14 – Irrigation Wire
Feeling the Pressure – Reasons and Methods to Regulate
04:28 – Agenda 05:55 – What is a pressure regulator 08:03 – The Benefits of pressure regulation 13:11 – Pressure regulators for landscape Irrigation 19
X2 and WAND Insights from the field
01:52 – Hydrawise review 09:00 – Hydrawise 2020 including X2 12:00 – X2 and WAND Introduction 14:30 – Key Features 15:57 – Advanced Benefits 19:28 –
Digital Marketing - Digital Tools and Tactics
Digital Marketing - Digital Tools and Tactics 3:43 - Overview of Presentation 6:31 - Managing Your Digital Profile 14:07 - Social Media Marketing 36:56
Get to The Point: What you need to know about points of connection.
Get to The Point: What you need to know about points of connection. 3:05 - Overview 4:24 - Residential Point of Connection 12:12 - ASV Anti Siphon
Hydrawise Insights from the field Session 5
Hydrawise Insights from the field Session 5 2:29 - Agenda 3:43 - Network Components 3:58 - Troubleshooting Tools 4:50 - Hardware Test 7:57 - WLAN Test
Dos And Don’ts of 2-Wire Design
Dos And Don’ts of 2-Wire Design. A training Webinar video. 3:30 - Agenda 4:23 - System Overview: Conventional Vs. Two-wire 16:13 - Choosing your control
Wi-Fi Fundamentals: What you need to look like a Pro
Wi-Fi Fundamentals: What you need to know to look like a Pro. A Training Webinar video. 1:22 - Introduction 6:26 - Overview of Presentation 8:49 - The
What, Why, When, and How is Hydrawise Important to your Business
Insights From the Field: What, Why, When, and How is Hydrawise Important to your Business 1:10 - Why Hydrawise and Connected Devices? 4:56 - What is
Advanced Electrical Troubleshooting
0:40 - Overview 1:24 - Conventional Control Systems vs. Two-Wire 3:22 - Planning Your Wire Paths 5:31 - Grounding 19:30 - Two-Wire Controllers 25:22 -
Basic Electrical Troubleshooting
0:29 - Introduction 1:01 - Types of Circuits 1:22 - Open Circuit 1:48 - Closed Circuit 2:05 - Shorted Circuit 2:24 - Series Circuit 2:58 - Parallel