Displaying 1 - 16 of 16
How to Install and Adjust the Accu Sync® Pressure Regulator
In this video, we will show you how to install and adjust an Accu Sync® Pressure Regulator. Pressure regulation at the valve maximizes irrigation
Feeling the Pressure – Reasons and Methods to Regulate
04:28 – Agenda 05:55 – What is a pressure regulator 08:03 – The Benefits of pressure regulation 13:11 – Pressure regulators for landscape Irrigation 19
Hunter Pro Adjustable Spray Nozzles: More Durable and Long-Lasting than the Competition
Hunter Pro Adjustable Spray Nozzles: More Durable and Long-Lasting than the Competition We have all seen split and cracked spray nozzles with distorted
Spray Nozzle Challenge
Join Hunter as we conduct a blind spray nozzle challenge. Contractors are interviewed before and after taking the challenge and share their results with
Water Savings: Using Pressure Regulation
Learn about the water savings and efficiency gained by using properly pressure-regulated spray bodies and rotors. Hunter offers the Hunter Pro-Spray®
Hunter Irrigation Valves: Built to Stand the Test of Time
The Hunter family of irrigation valves offers durable, reliable performance and is engineered to stand the test of time, no matter the conditions
Hunter Valves Product Guide
Hunter's line of valves consists of an array of models that fit every application from residential to golf course applications. Watch to learn about
Accu Sync Valve Pressure Regulator Installation and Adjustment
In this Hunter Field Knowledge video, you will learn about the Installation and Adjustment of Hunter Industries pressure regulating Accu Sync products
Accu Sync Product Guide
In this Hunter video, you will learn about the Hunter Industries pressure regulating Accu Sync ® product line. Accu Sync is attached to a Hunter valve
Accu Sync Valve Pressure Regulator Installation, Adjustment and Overview
The Accu Sync pressure regulator is designed to regulate the pressure at the valve for the entire zone to provide maximum water efficiency. Learn how to
ICR Remote Control - Programming & Operation
This video provides an overview on how to set up and operate your ICR remote control including how to turn on and off stations as well as changing their
ICR Remote Control - Setting the Address
If you can activate your stations from your controller, but you can't activate them from your remote control, it is possible that your transmitter is
Pro-Spray Product Comparison. 60 second version
How much pressure can a sprinkler head can handle before it literally explodes? In this condensed version of the Pro-Spray video, we get right to the
Hunter Spray Adjustments and Maintenance
This video explains how to adjust and maintain Hunter sprays on an irrigation system. A Hunter Technical Support Representative demonstrates flushing a
Pro-Spray Product Guide
The Pro-Spray Product Guide shows you everything you need to know about the Hunter Pro-Spray. We show you an overview of the Pro-Spray with all the
Pro-Spray Built to Perform - Burst, Surge, Flush and Cap-leak.
How much pressure can a sprinkler head can handle before it literally explodes? In this video, Hunter engineers push competing spray heads to the point