App Hydrawise: Trasferimento della proprietà, Verticale
App Hydrawise: Richiesta di trasferimento della proprietà - Gli utenti possono ora richiedere il trasferimento della proprietà di un programmatore
App Hydrawise: visualizzazione dei programmatori offline, verticale
App Hydrawise: visualizzazione dei programmatori offline - Questo video spiega come visualizzare l'elenco dei programmatori che sono offline.
App Hydrawise: trasferimento della proprietà
App Hydrawise: Richiesta di trasferimento della proprietà - Gli utenti possono ora richiedere il trasferimento della proprietà di un programmatore
App Hydrawise: visualizzazione dei programmatori offline
App Hydrawise: visualizzazione dei programmatori offline - Questo video spiega come visualizzare l'elenco dei programmatori che sono offline.
Introduzione alla nuova app Hydrawise, 2024
Incontra il dream team di Hydrawise e scopri tutto sulla nuova app Hydrawise! Questo webinar copre tutto ciò che bisogna sapere e fornisce informazioni
Hydrawise: How to add a customer to a contractor account
In this video, we are going to show you how to add a customer to your Hydrawise contractor account. You will need your customer’s email address to get
Valve Installation: Proper use of Fittings and Wire Splices
This video shows you the steps needed to prepare and install Hunter valves. You will learn how to prepare fittings and how to splice wires.
Confronto dei programmatori Wi-Fi con Hydrawise
The future of irrigation controllers is now, and it’s true there are many options to choose from. When comparing those options, the differences between
Guida al prodotto Pro-HC
Gestite il programmatore di irrigazione in esterni ovunque nel mondo utilizzando un dispositivo mobile o il browser web con il software Hydrawise basato
The Hydrawise Contractor Portal
An overview of the features for contractors found in the Hydrawise software that can be like adding a new technician to your business.
Hydrawise: How to Register Your Account
Discover how to set up your Hydrawise contractor account, so you can start monitoring your customer’s irrigation controllers.
Hydrawise: Using the Wizard to Configure your Controller
How to configure your Hydrawise enabled irrigation controller.
Hydrawise: The Differences between Time-Based Watering and Smart Watering
Learn the differences between time-based watering and smart watering when setting up your Hydrawise enabled irrigation controller.
Hydrawise: How to Generate a Job Sheet
Learn how to use the Hydrawise irrigation software to generate job sheets, so you can assign work to your employees, and take care of issues with your
Pro-HC Wi-Fi Irrigation Controller Product Guide, IA Show
With all the features of the regular HC controller but with added durability and contractor friendly features, the Pro-HC controller is THE most durable
Hydrawise Top 10 Features for Contractors
Hunter Industries offers the HC Wi-Fi controller utilizing our Hydrawise™ web-based software - a system that provides access to your irrigation
Troubleshooting a Hunter Valve that is not Opening - Quick Tip
One of the most common reasons for a valve not to open when the controller sends low voltage electricity to the valve is because the exhaust port might
Replacing a Hunter Rotor Riser Seal
One of the most common reasons for a sprinkler to start leaking between the pop-up riser assembly and the body cap while it is in operation is because
Installing a Nozzle on a Hunter Rotor
Installing a nozzle on a rotor is relatively easy. The procedure is the same for the PGJ, SRM, PGP-ADJ, PGP Ultra and I-20 rotors. This video will teach
Hunter Irrigation Valves: Built to Stand the Test of Time
The Hunter family of irrigation valves offers durable, reliable performance and is engineered to stand the test of time, no matter the conditions
How to Adjust a Hunter Rotor
Adjusting the arc and radius of a rotor is an easy task. Most residential rotors are adjusted the same way. There are two adjustments that can be made
Cleaning the Diaphragm on a Hunter Valve - Quick Tip
One of the most common reasons for a valve to keep running continuously is the accumulation of debris in the diaphragm, which prevents the valve from
Cleaning a Filter on Hunter Rotor
The most common reason for a sprinkler to stop rotating is the accumulation of debris in the filter. This video will teach you how to clean the filter
Learn the most common Wi-Fi solutions when setting up a Hydrawise Wi-Fi irrigation controller from Hunter Industries. Manage your irrigation controller